Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

Report Weeks 3-4

I'll be perfectly frank with you that I was very busy these weeks.
However, I regularly listened to the German audiobook "Spektrum" and ended it.
In addition, I managed to find the time to start learning Italian with the language textbook "Espresso".
The first season of "Ojciec Mateusz" is seen out.

So I had the following points in these weeks:
#pl #watchvideo 28.0
#it #learntextbook 10.5
#de #listenaudio 168.4
#de #readarticle 11.8

There are:
Dichter ziehen um in Clubs und Kneipen
Die Macht des Klangs
Arbeitszeitmodell: "Allzeit bereit"

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